Challenge Academy Workshop

  • Posted on 11 Dec 2014


During the month of October and November 2014, the Higher Education Institutions and the Research Institute that are part of the project organized one workshop at their institution. There were a total of 8 workshops, one for each country of the partnership.

The aim of this activity was to raise awareness about the benefits that the platform could bring to their users. This was the first workshop open to persons outside the consortium and a small number of persons were invited a representing the three main users of the platform (academics, companies and students). This procedure allowed us to have a more effective support to each participant and increased the communication among the group, providing a more effective feedback about the activity and the platform.

During the workshop there was a presentation of the UC-Crowd partnership and the project aims, an introduction of Crowdsourcing concept and, finally, a presentation of the platform. It was an interactive activity and all the participants had the opportunity to test the platform and make their registration.

The feedback about the activity was positive and the persons attending were very interested in using the platform in the future. This activity was also very useful in order to have an “external” opinion about the platform and to collect suggestions to improve service/product.

You can see the PowerPoint presentation of the workshop as well as the workshop manual at the following links:
Presentation onePresentation two